Hit the water

Hit the waterHit the water
  1. We 've hit the water , I can see the water now .


  2. Open the window as soon as you hit the water .


  3. It hit the water and vanished with a splash .


  4. The Beast jumped up and grabbed it before it even hit the water .


  5. She fell further and further , until she hit the water like a sack of rocks .


  6. Sadly , as soon as it hit the water , the arcs door opened proving it was less than water tight .


  7. Some people find sea cruises relaxing and refreshing . Others hit the water to go fishing , skiing or white-water rafting .


  8. He sprinted down the beach , hit the water flatly . Essential imports had stretched the national reputation to the breaking point .


  9. They also have to be in synch with the rest of the body , with the hips at the highest point before the hands hit the water .


  10. Water relaunching : because of the extreme stability , a twin-skin from Peter Lynn is unlikely to ever hit the water in the first place .


  11. The black box recordings in that case showed that the pilots seemed unaware that the plane was going to crash until just seconds before they hit the water .


  12. Elijah took his mantle , wrapped it together , hit the water and suddenly the waters were divided , and the two prophets walked through the Jordan River on dry ground !


  13. According to local media reports , the ship is set to hit the water in the first quarter of2013 when it will begin work for SK Shipping 's trading affiliate , SK Gas .


  14. Highboard , or platform , divers are among the bravest competitors at the Games ; their leap from the10-metre board generates enough energy to ensure they hit the water at55mph .


  15. But if you want to see the bridge or hit the water , wait until March is over - Lake Havasu has twice hosted MTV 's Spring Break and is overrun for a few weeks every year by spring breakers looking to party - and they don 't do it quietly .


  16. In some developing countries worst hit by the water crisis the loss of wetlands forces people to walk greater distances to fetch water for cooking and basic everyday care .


  17. It has been paid close attention on force distribution of sheet metal which was hit by the water jet when the angle between direction of water jet and sheet metal was changed .


  18. Moses was told to hit the rock so water would come out for his people to drink .


  19. On christmas , a new family film about the alleged , elusive beastie will hit theaters : the water horse : legend of the deep .


  20. Then he added a small tweak : Any snow that hit the ground instantly became water .


  21. He did it many times , then he lightly hit the top of the water , sending little ripples of waves across the water to the other side .


  22. Instead Moses hit the rock twice for water because he was angry and this was the reason he was barred from the promised land by God .


  23. That means when a golfer tells himself : " Don 't hit the ball into the water . " His mind sees the image of the ball flying into the water .
